Size: 29cm x 58cm x 2.5cm (HxLxW)
This artwork is an impressive contemporary representation of the typical form of Te Manaia. The key is crafted from recycled Native New Zealand Rimu veneerboard, medium density fibreboard (mdf), Gaboon veneer plywood and embellished with NZ Pāua shell.
Comes with a Sharpie pen, Gold chain for wall mounting and a Stand if you choose to use it. Photo frame (c/w instructions on how to mount your photo)
The Manaia is an ancient mythical being with a birds head and a human form. It is said to be the messenger between the earthly world of mortals and the domain of the spirits illustrating the strong links the Maori have with spirituality and the spirit world. It is a holder of great spiritual energy and is a guardian against evil.