Ko Whetumatarau tōku maunga.
Ko Awatere tōku awa.
Ko Nukutaimemeha tōku waka.
Ko Ngāti Porou tōku iwi.
Ko Hinerupe tōku marae.
Ko Tuwhakairiora tōku tangata.
My mountain is Whetumatarau.
My river is Awatere.
My canoe is Nukutaimemeha.
My tribe is Ngāti Porou.
My marae is Hinerupe.
My ancestor is Tuwhakairiora.

Tarati Design was established in 2006 as a way to be able to fundraise for material on drug abuse that I was seeing in the community, working as a budget advisor. I was able to draw on my knowledge and passion of my culture to start a Māori Arts and Craft business.
Over the years I have had the opportunity to help and share with hundreds of people the effects of methamphetamine.
I have now passed on the baton of the fight for P now to other organizations, and have a greater need for the fight of cyberbullying being a victim myself.
As the business has grown over the years I have had to call on my whānau (family) for help, and now my daughter is part owner of Tarati Design and taking on my passion for Māori Arts and Crafts.
I have enjoyed my journey so far with Tarati Design and look forward to seeing the new Tarati Design moving forward.
Ngā mihi nui
Thank you for your support!
Marie Cotter
When Mum first asked me about what she should call her business I said Tarati Design. Tarati is my Nanny’s name and is a name that has been passed down in our whānau. It is the name I carry and my daughter, and it seems quite fitting that I take on this journey that my mother has started. She may have started it for didn’t reasons but I believe our heart of helping people and knowing more about our culture is still there.
It is a blessing to be able to do this mahi (work), as I get to learn and share about my culture that is beautiful and full of Aroha (love).
Aroha nui
Much love
Yvonne Goodwin